

An active shooter is a person actively eng年龄d in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined 和 populated area, 通常是通过使用枪支. 在一般情况下, how you respond to an active shooter will be dictated by the specific circumstances of the encounter.



1. 运行

  • 心中有一条逃生路线并提前计划.
  • If it is possible to flee the area 安全 和 avoid danger, do so.
  • 把你的东西留下.
  • 如果你能做到的话 安全,请联系 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500,或致电 911.
  • 警察回应时,把手伸出来.

2. 隐藏 

  • If escape is not possible, hide in an area out of the shooter’s view.
  • Block entry to your hiding place with furniture 和 other heavy objects.
  • 关掉所有的灯,关好并锁好所有的门窗.
  • 关上所有的百叶窗和窗帘.
  • 如果你能做到的话 安全,请联系 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500,或致电 911.
  • 如果你能做到的话 安全,让所有人都站在地板上,远离火线.
  • 把你的手机/移动设备调成静音.
  • Remain there until an “all clear” instruction is given by 公共安全 or other authorized personnel or via MU Alert.

3. 战斗

  • 战斗 back as a last resort 和 only when your life is in imminent danger.
  • 试图使枪手丧失行动能力.
  • 表现出身体上的攻击性,并向枪手投掷物品.


Police officers responding to an active shooter are trained to proceed immediately to the area where shots were last heard. 他们的目的是尽快停止射击.

The first responding officers will normally be in teams of four (4); they may be dressed in regular patrol uniforms or they may be wearing external bulletproof vests, 凯夫拉头盔和其他战术装备.

军官们可能装备有步枪, shotguns or h和guns 和 may use pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation.

不管警察的样子如何, 保持冷静. 听从警察给你的指示. 不要怕官长. 放下你随身携带的任何袋子或包裹 保持你的手随时可见; if you know where the shooter is, tell the police.

The first officers to arrive will not stop to aid injured people; rescue teams of other officers 和 emergency medical personnel will follow the first officers into secured areas to treat 和 remove the injured.

Keep in mind that even once you have escaped to a safer location, the entire area is still a crime scene; police usually will not let anyone leave until the situation is fully under control 和 all witnesses have been identified 和 questioned. Until you are released, remain at whatever assembly point authorities designate.


When a tornado warning has been issued, you may have very little time to prepare. If you sight a tornado near the university, call 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500 from campus phones.



  • 到大楼的最底层去.
  • Use interior hallways away from building’s exterior windows as a tornado shelter.
  • 关闭所有有外窗的房间的门.
  • 远离窗户.
  • 用手臂保护头部和颈部,保持“俯卧”的姿势.


  • Lie in a ditch or low-lying area or crouch near a strong building.
  • 注意潜在的洪水.
  • 用手臂保护头部和颈部,保持“俯卧”的姿势.
  • Use jacket, cap, backpack or any similar items to protect face 和 eyes.

If you see fire or smoke, immediately activate the nearest pull station.
(Pull stations are generally located near stairwells 和 exits).

报告所有火灾和/或烟雾情况 to 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500,或致电 911.


  • 火灾和/或烟雾的性质和位置
  • 在大学的名称和职位

In the case of a small fire, you may extinguish it with the nearest fire extinguisher.

If you have any doubts as to whether or not you are able to contain the fire,


  • 使用正确类型的灭火器.
  • 在你背后的出口灭火.
  • 立即按照建筑物疏散计划进行疏散.


当你感觉到地震时,躲到书桌或结实的桌子下面. 远离窗户, hanging or heavy objects that could fall. 待在隐蔽的地方,直到震动停止.


If you find yourself in the following situations, here are some tips to keep you safe:

在户外 – Move to a clear area, away from trees, signs, buildings, electrical poles 和 overhead lines.

建筑物附近的人行道 – Duck into a doorway for protection from falling bricks, plaster 和 other debris.

开车 -把车停在路边. 避免电线和其他危险. 待在车里,直到震动结束.

拥挤的商店或其他公共场所 -不要急于出口. Move away from display shelves containing objects that could fall.

轮椅 -坚持下去. Move to cover, if possible, lock your wheels 和 protect your arms.

厨房 -远离冰箱、炉子和头顶柜.

礼堂 -待在座位上,用手臂保护头部. 不要试图离开,直到震动结束. 然后平静有序地离开. 避免冲向出口.


  • Be prepared for aftershocks 和 plan where you will take cover when they occur.
  • 评估人身伤害和/或任何建筑物损坏并打电话 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500 或打电话 911 安全.


不 get involved with trying to prevent the crime unless it is self defense.

Gather as much information as possible about the criminal/crime. 如果你能安全的话, 花点时间注意身高, 重量, 性, 比赛, 年龄, 服装, 车辆以及此人是否携带武器.

呼叫 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500 从校园电话,还是打电话 911.


  • 您的姓名(可选)
  • 犯罪类型
  • 犯罪地点
  • 你的位置

– Be prepared to answer any questions the dispatcher may ask you.

– If you are in a safe location, stay where you are until authorities arrive.

– If not, keep yourself safe by staying out of the way of the crime.


如果有人怀疑某件物品是炸弹或爆炸装置, 不 use radio communications or cell phones in the immediate area of the device. 立即联系 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500 从校园电话,还是打电话 911.


  • 来电者姓名
  • 物体的描述和确切位置

Do not in any way touch any item or device that is suspected to be a bomb or explosive.

Notify your supervisor or nearest university authority (deans, directors, etc.)

听从主管或其他权威人士的指示, 谁将负责大厦疏散计划.

听从现场官员可能给出的进一步指示. Do not re-enter the building unless advised it is safe to do so by the fire department or MUPD.


如果有人受伤,立即打电话 公共安全 at (314) 529- 9500 或打电话 911


  • 来电者姓名
  • 伤者姓名
  • 伤害性质
  • 伤者位置
  • 现场的电话号码


Do not move an injured person unless their life will be in danger.

对伤者进行急救. If possible, ask someone to find an individual who is trained in first aid.

Stay with the injured person until emergency medical service arrives.


呼叫 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500 从校园电话,还是打电话 911.

立即撤离大楼. 每一个人 必须 整齐有序地撤离大楼. If others do not respond to the alarm or do not know of the evacuation, 通知他们需要撤离.

走楼梯撤离大楼. 不用电梯吗.

Move a safe distance away from the building 和 out of the way of emergency personnel.



听从现场官员可能给出的进一步指示. Do not re-enter the building unless advised it is safe to do so by the fire department or 公共安全.


立即报告所有泄漏 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500. 如果化学物质本质上是有害的,也要接触 911.


  • 化学名称
  • 泄漏量
  • 泄漏的确切位置

Quickly attempt to determine what was spilled; however, 不要接触该物质或吸入烟雾.


如果你感到眼睛发炎, 肺部灼烧或其他接触化学物质的症状, sound the building fire alarm to notify others to evacuate the building.

如果有人被溅到这种化学物质, immediately flush the contaminated area with water 和 seek medical assistance if needed.

公共安全设施管理及规划, 与地方当局合作, will man年龄 the incident 和 notify off-campus response units if needed.

建筑物疏散人员应保持安全距离, 起风, until the authority having jurisdiction declares the building safe to re-enter.



  • 摇晃或撞击物品.
  • 打开、闻闻、触摸或品尝物品.
  • 立即隔离物品.

Immediately notify 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500 或打电话 911.


  • 来电者姓名
  • 物体的描述和确切位置
  • 如果信件或包裹被打开,并且/或者发现了威胁


  • 立即有秩序地撤离大楼.


  • 限制接触.
  • 撤离该地区.


  • 隔离物品所在的区域.
  • 撤离该地区.
  • 用肥皂和水洗手.

听从主管或其他权威人士的指示 谁将负责大厦疏散计划.

听从现场有关部门的进一步指示. Do not re-enter the building unless advised it is safe to do so by the fire department or 公共安全.